◆邮箱地址: ariawu@mail.ustc.edu.cn
◆ 智慧商务、共享经济
1. Understanding sustained participation in crowdsourcing platforms: the role of autonomy, temporal value, and hedonic value, Information Technology & People, 2022, online.
2. Role of motivations, self-regulations, and perceived competitive intensity in solvers' continuance intention in crowdsourcing contests, Behaviour & Information Technology,2022, online.
3. Motivation and sustained participation in the online crowdsourcing community: The moderating role of community commitment. Internet Research, 2021, 31 (1): 287-314.
4. More than just shopping on social commerce websites: A multidimensional scaling study of consumers’ in-role and extra-role behavior. European Conferences on Information Systems (ECIS 2021).
5. Social value and consumer online social shopping intention: The moderating role of experience. Information Technology & People, 2018, 31(1), 688-711.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 71902080, 竞争视角下众包平台接包者的自我效能感知及影响其持续参与行为的机制研究, 2020-01至2022-12, 19万元;
2. 双一致视角下社交电商平台消费者购买行为决策与影响因素研究,江苏省“双创博士”培养对象科研资助经费,2021-01 至 2022-12,15万元。